Jeremy and Dawn

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Well we started back to work this last week and I missed Jayson terribly. While I am glad to be back to work I also dread it at the same time. Its nice to be able to socialize with coworkers and see friends, to get dressed everyday, to have alone time.. But I reaaly miss not spending all day with my baby, relaxing, and feeding and putting him to sleep! He seemed to do pretty good with daycare. Expect for the fact that he couldn't go on Friday cause he had a fever which turned into a nice little cold. He still is quite congested but no fever so he will be going back on Monday.. I am just hoping he gets a strong immune system from being around it. I think him going was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I hate not being able to take care of him myself. So we have just been trying to spend as much time together as possible.

He is 5 1/2 months... I can't believe he is almost 1/2 a year! It honestly goes by so fast. He is around 15.5 pounds and still long and skinny!!!