Jeremy and Dawn

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy 4 Months Jayson :)

We are officially 4 months old! Wow... He's a 1/3 of the way to a year old. LOL! Jayson has been seriously going through sleep issues this last month. He naps about 30 minutes at a time regardless of where he is at. Sometimes he will take a 1.5 nap but these are few and far in between. It started off bad when he got sick, got worse when I was sick, got a little better and then worse again. Lately we have been trying to have a bedtime routine and it seems (for now) as if it is working. He gets a bath, lotion massage, PJ's, read a book, fed and bed!! When we are home and we do this he sleeps between 6-8 hours and then usually another 3-4.. It is pure bliss. He wakes up maybe once in between but takes his pacifier and usually goes back to sleep. Sleepless nights are not fun. I am hoping he stays on this schedule because it will be really nice when I go back to work.

Jayson went to the doctor Monday for his check up. He is 13 lbs 15 oz and 25 3/4 in long. This puts him in the 25% for weight and 75% for height. I have a tall skinny boy!!! He got his shots and seemed to do okay, a little fussy that evening but all good!

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