Jeremy and Dawn

Monday, May 31, 2010

Thank You!

First of all, Thank You to all the past and present soliders for serving our country and protecting us.

Memorial Day weekend... Not much of anything exciting. Hanging out with the family and cleaning house. For whatever reason, subconsiously since I am going back to work tomorrow for a whole 4 days, I have felt the need to clean the house from top to bottom today. I am talking about dusting, sweeping, mopping, laundry, dishes, vaccuming the couches... I don't know why I have felt the urge but boy it does smell so nice. I wish it would stay this way. Jayson has been doing really well the last few days with sleeping. He basically catnaps during the day. Usually very short naps and maybe one good one. I am totally fine with this if he wants to sleep at night. I am praying he will sleep tonight well since I am going to work but we shall see.

Friday, May 28, 2010


We are just having a relaxing day around the house today. Not much to talk about. Jayson slept fairly decent last night and seems to be playful today but then he wears himself out and wants to nap for an hour or two. I did take some pictures today of him while he was talking up a storm. I just love this little stinker :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sleep for Mommy :)

I took forever to get that video posted. That happened yesterday. Today started off wonderful. After expecting another night with little sleep, Jayson must have realized it was time to give Mommy a break. I fed him around 9:30 last night very much expecting to be woken up by Jayson at 12:30 or so. I woke up around 2ish and Jayson was still very much asleep, so I thought to myself, he is probably going to wake up any minute. I dozed back off, little did I know the little guy was going to sleep until 4:45 :) I felt so refreshed that I was able to sleep for more than a couple of hours. If only this would last for awhile. I don't want to get my hopes up. He won't probably do it again but... I hope he makes a liar out of me. Nevertheless, it was very nice. Once we got up this morning he was in such a good mood. We spent almost an hour smiling, talking and almost laughing. I can't wait to hear a good laugh out of him.. I hope he laughs as much as he smiles (all the time).

Helloooo Mommy!

We went to check the mail and he hates the sun being in his I put a hat on him. I couldn't resist to take a picture of the cutie pie :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I am such a proud mommy!!! Little Jayson has started learning how to roll over. Tummy to Back :) I can't believe that we brought home this little tiny baby that ate and slept and now he has transformed into a smile machine and is starting to roll. He has done it about 5 times total so not alot, but its a start. And today, FINALLY, I was able to capture it on camera. Slow down Peanut, you're growing too fast.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well after the last 2 nights I am going to assume that Jayson is going through his 3 month old growth spurt...ugh.... He doesn't really care to nap much, at night time he wants to eat every hour for a couple of hours, then when he finally does conk out he will sleep for 4-5 hours (if we are lucky) and then he fidgets and wants to eat every hour and half to two hours throughout the night :( This makes for a very sleepy mommy and daddy (when daddy hears him and wakes up) lol. He cries and fusses and I am not sure whether he is sleepy or hungry. Usually at night he will fall asleep in his swing around 7-8 pm and not wake up til 12-1.. So I stay on the couch until he wakes up. During the day he is usually a happy baby still.. Always wanting to smile at me or talk to me. I definetly hate growth spurts. They exhaust me.

He has given me two nights since he was born of a 6 hours stretch of sleep. That was pure bliss. Though I shouldn't complain because when I was still pregnant I was waking up every hour tossing and turning cause lil peanut was on my pelvis and I felt like it was going to rip in half. However, after these two very little sleep nights, I am so looking forward to getting my normal baby back.

So today, he napped on me for maybe 45 minutes...woke up, ate and spit up!!! ALL OVER ME AND HIM!!!! So to the bath we went. I bathed him and gave him a quick little massage with the Johnsons Bedtime Lotion. Then I put him in the swing around 1:15ish so I could at least eat lunch.. He finally fell asleep.. It is now 4:00 and he is still sleeping. I hate to make noise or wake him up because I KNOW he is tired. However, it makes me scared that he is going to not sleep at night if he sleeps long during the day..
As exhausted as this little guy makes me, when I see his face, I can't help but realize how in love I am with him. I just try to remember, This too shall pass..

This is what Mommy wants to happen, for longer than an hour...

This is a horrible picture from my phone, but it is too cute with his little smile. We have started putting him in his bumbo for a little bit.. And he likes it.. Strong little boy :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

My lil guy

So I think this will be a great way to keep up with what is going on in Jayson's life!! More or less this will allow others to also keep up with how our precious baby boy is growing. I can't believe he is almost 11 weeks. I should have started this when he was born. The changes are remarkable. Actually, I will put pictures from then and now to show the difference and from then on I will put current pictures. He has honestly shown me a different side of love and life that I never knew existed. I have been given such a perfect gift from God. I thank him daily that he has blessed me with such a happy, beautiful, sweet baby boy. I thought being a mom was going to be really hard. You always see babies crying all the time, up all night, etc... Not my lil guy!!! He rarely cries, hasn't since he was born. (only if he is tired or hungry) I love the fact that he smiles socially now. It is amazing to watch him light up when I smile or talk to him. It absolutely melts my heart :)

Life is pretty good. I am going back to work for the last week of school. It is kind of bittersweet... I am looking forward to having one week of normality, seeing my friends, seeing my students... However, leaving my baby is going to be very hard. I feel like I might miss something. But luckily, summer starts June 5th.. I will have a wonderful summer ahead of me with not just Jeremy and me. Nope. I have a family to spend the summer with. Sometimes, I cannot grasp my mind on the fact that I have a FAMILY!! Let alone, I am a MOMMY!

Jayson Lee White- March 10, 2010

Jayson- May 24, 2010