Jeremy and Dawn

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Well we started back to work this last week and I missed Jayson terribly. While I am glad to be back to work I also dread it at the same time. Its nice to be able to socialize with coworkers and see friends, to get dressed everyday, to have alone time.. But I reaaly miss not spending all day with my baby, relaxing, and feeding and putting him to sleep! He seemed to do pretty good with daycare. Expect for the fact that he couldn't go on Friday cause he had a fever which turned into a nice little cold. He still is quite congested but no fever so he will be going back on Monday.. I am just hoping he gets a strong immune system from being around it. I think him going was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I hate not being able to take care of him myself. So we have just been trying to spend as much time together as possible.

He is 5 1/2 months... I can't believe he is almost 1/2 a year! It honestly goes by so fast. He is around 15.5 pounds and still long and skinny!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer is almost over!!

Not so much been going on around our house lately. Jeremy has been working alot so it has been me and the little guy most days. My mom was able to come spend the week since she was working in The Woodlands. I'm sure she enjoyed her time with Jayson. Although, him crying at night and waking her up when she had to get up around 5ish probably was not fun. It was so nice to have someone cook for me. Although, I felt a little guilty since she worked all day and them came home (every night) and cooked. Thanks MOM!!!

So in the mean time I am trying to enjoy every last second I can with my baby before I have to go back to work. Somedays I feel like I cannot wait to go back to be out of the house and socialize and do my job. But MOST days I feel a sense of sadness and anxiety knowing someone else will have to take care of my little boy. Almost a sense of jealousy... because I'm his Mommy :( I know it will be fine, and I know it will be okay... but its still very hard to let your baby go!!! So even at night when he wakes me up and wants to eat or to just be touched by me, I am trying to not get frustrated but enjoy this time with him being so little and wanting him Mommy. One day I know he will be dying to get away from me.

His first swim!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy 4 Months Jayson :)

We are officially 4 months old! Wow... He's a 1/3 of the way to a year old. LOL! Jayson has been seriously going through sleep issues this last month. He naps about 30 minutes at a time regardless of where he is at. Sometimes he will take a 1.5 nap but these are few and far in between. It started off bad when he got sick, got worse when I was sick, got a little better and then worse again. Lately we have been trying to have a bedtime routine and it seems (for now) as if it is working. He gets a bath, lotion massage, PJ's, read a book, fed and bed!! When we are home and we do this he sleeps between 6-8 hours and then usually another 3-4.. It is pure bliss. He wakes up maybe once in between but takes his pacifier and usually goes back to sleep. Sleepless nights are not fun. I am hoping he stays on this schedule because it will be really nice when I go back to work.

Jayson went to the doctor Monday for his check up. He is 13 lbs 15 oz and 25 3/4 in long. This puts him in the 25% for weight and 75% for height. I have a tall skinny boy!!! He got his shots and seemed to do okay, a little fussy that evening but all good!

Align Right

Friday, July 9, 2010

Catch Up

So I AM gonna get better at this. We have been pretty exhausted lately. Jayson has a mind of his own when it comes to sleep. He is the happiest baby when he is awake. He takes catnaps all day and wants to wake up periodically during the night.. Honestly this little boy slept better when he was a newborn. Anyhow...

We have been trying to go on walks in the mornings before it gets too hot. Its nice to get outside and here the birds chirping. Jayson just looks around or plays with his toys on his stroller..

We got to go see Katie and Jaysons first girlfriend MOLLY!!! They live up by Dallas and we have not seen them in a while.. Molly is 5 days older than Jayson.. Yea, he goes for older women.. Just like Daddy!! LOL

On 4th of July, Jayson went swimming for the first time. He is usually a water baby in the tub so I figured he would like it. He was pretty quiet at first but then started smiling and talking and having a good time.

We go to the doctor on Monday for this 4 month old checkup.. and he gets a bunch more shots :( I HATE that part.. It kills me to watch someone hurt him.. (even though its for the best)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Today we attempted to go on a walk. But even at 10 a.m. it is so hot and humid its almost like your being smothered and can't breathe, so inside we came to play. Jayson and I had a serious conversation today. He actually kept babbling with my phone in his face. (usually he stops talking as soon as he sees a camera). He did this for about 5 min.. Crazy little boy!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Back to Normal

Finally feeling better, BOTH of us. That was a hard two weeks, between taking care of Jayson and myself.. Ahhh, the life of motherhood. Hopefully this week will be more promising. Jayson has been teaching himself new little tricks. And only shows them to Mommy when he feels like it. He has started laughing on occasions, he has a scream/squeal that is to die for when he is excited, he is grabbing at things he wants and of course putting them in his mouth, grabbing ahold of his feet...

I am looking into this 4 month old sleep regression stuff. I think we have that going on. He is starting to do better though. We are starting to have a 7 p.m. bedtime for him and so far so good. Although he cat naps all day.. 30 min here, 45 there.. Never enough time for me to do anything. I miss his 2 hours naps. I gave me a break to do things. This little monkey changes constantly though.
HELLO Monkey!!!
My little angel!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Go AWAY!!!

Still trying to beat the sickness around this household. Jayson is so much better. Still a little congested but not coughing much. But..... I either have what he had or my allergies have picked a wonderful time to make me known of their presence. I absolutely hate feeling this way. But I honestly would rather it be me than him. I can blow my nose and take care of myself, Poor baby can't.

Here are some recent pics of my prince...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fathers Day...

Its completely amazing that one year ago we were celebrating my birthday, our anniversary, Mothers Day, and Fathers Day with our parents and as a twosome. This year all of these holidays have been made so special with our beautiful little addition.
We had a great Fathers Day this weekend. I am so glad I have Jeremy as my husband and Father to my son. Poor Jayson has been under the weather this whole last week but on Friday/Saturday he started doing a whole lot better. We still have a little congestion but it is not near as bad as he was earlier in the week. Thank goodness sickness number 1 is over. Not really looking forward to the rest of them... :(

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Good and Bad

So we have good news and bad news....

I will start off with the bad first. Jayson officially has his first cold/allergy. He has been coughing and sneezing and super congested. I hate to see my little boy in such a shape. He had a fever Monday. Just a low one but still a fever. He seemed to have a little cough but not too much of anything else. Since then he has added the congestion which is so horrible. He sounds like he is choking or gagging. I feel so sorry for him.

The GOOD News....

Jayson has a tickle spot I found today!!! Today when I was changing his clothes (due to the many spitups) he laughed when I pulled his arms out. So of course I started playing peekaboo with him and everytime the shirt went up by his neck the started to laugh. I started tickling his neck and she was LAUGHING!!! Not a belly laugh yet but I was amazing. I sure hope he gets better soon. Pray this cold moves out as fast as it moved in!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This has been a crazy couple of days...
Saturday my Mom came over to watch Jayson. Me and Jeremy finally were able to go on a date. It was the first time for us and will be happening more often. We were celebrating our 2nd anniversary/my 25th birthday. It was defintely nice to get out of the house baby free.

Sunday night was nice Jayson slept two stretches of 5 hours. I thought were would have a great day Monday. However, Jayson ended up having a low grade fever and was very upset, crying and just plain not happy. This is so not like him. He never cries unless hungry or tired. I gave him Tylenol but he still had the fever through the night. I was pretty sure I was going to be making another trip to the doctor today but thankfully he does not have a fever anymore. I'm thinking it could be teething, he has been drooling, chewing on his hands or anything that he gets in his hands. I hope those teeth stay put for a little longer. Its still a little early. I am hoping tonight we get a good nights rest and the normal happy baby is here to stay.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fun "Foto" Friday!!!

These are some more of the fabulous portraits Amanda Key took. I am so glad she was able to do this for us. She does an amazing job. I am so proud to have these. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy 3 months Jayson!!!!

Oh my goodness. THREE MONTHS!!! I cannot believe how the time flies. March 10 just doesn't seem like it was that long ago. Jayson is a growing little boy. These last three months have taught me so more much about life. So far here are Jayson's special developments:

~smiles when you talk or smile at him

~bears weight on his legs if you stand him up

~holds his head up (even though he has been able to do this slightly since born)

~coos and talks

~rolls over from tummy to back

~I think he is starting to hit at things he sees
~Holds on to objects in hands

~can focus on one object and follow it when moved

Wow! He is such a big boy :)
Showing Sugar a little loving!!
Hello Upside Down Baby!! He loves holding on to a butterfly toy...
Strong Man

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another exciting day!

I was so excited today that Jayson decided to roll for me. He does this very infrequently. But when he does, he does alot. Right before I videoed it, he rolled over like 4 other times consecutively. Then he was tired after this one because he was getting ticked off at Mommy for putting him on his belly. I really must have worn him out cause he slept all cuddled up to me for almost 2.5 hours. I LOVED every minute of it. I think he is going to be purposely grabbing at things in the near future. He has a bumble bee on his playmat that sings if it gets touched. I layed him beside it for a little while and he has made it sing quite frequently.. I just wonder if he means to do it. He just talks his little head off to her! :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sweet Summertime :)

I am so blessed to be able to have the whole summer off. Not just to do whatever I want to but to spend each and every day with my amazing sweet baby boy. I can't wait to see what changes this summer will bring us with his quick paced changes everyday. I love waking up in the morning with him and laying with him as he sees my faces and smiles. It is the best feeling in the entire world. I can honestly say that I cannot wait for him to start sleeping through the entire night. We have gotten back to about every 4 hours.. Which I am completely fine with, but I don't think I will know what to do if I slept for more than that. Today I am almost certain he laughed out loud. I can't wait to hear it again. Maybe soon I will be able to get it on camera.
Blowing bubbles :o)
Beautiful baby boy!!!